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JOGMEC Carbon Neutral Initiative

The priority mission of JOGMEC is to secure a stable and affordable supply of energy and mineral resources. JOGMEC is simultaneously actively working to reduce health, safety, and environment risks associated with resource development. In particular, JOGMEC established the “Carbon Neutral Promotion Headquarters” and formulated the “JOGMEC Carbon Neutral Initiative” in April 2021. The initiative clarified our direction for the entire organization to work on the issue based on three basic policies: “Strengthening efforts for clean resources and energy”, “Strengthening efforts for decarbonized fuels and technology”, and “Contributing to the development of systems necessary for decarbonization”.

Responding to the globally accelerated movement of climate change and decarbonization, according to the sixth Strategic Energy Plan, which was formulated by the Government of Japan as the energy policy towards Carbon Neutrality by 2050, an amendment to the JOGMEC law was executed. Consequently, we are undertaking further functions to assist Japan to achieve carbon neutrality; for example, offering financial support for production and storage of decarbonization fuels and CCS, and wind condition and geological surveys to support domestic offshore wind development.

JOGMEC will continuously work across the organization towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 based on the three basic policies. Specifically, we are accelerating efforts by implementing the updated-action plan which includes the additional functions in accordance with the amendment to the JOGMEC law.

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
(JCN 4010405009573)

Toranomon Twin Building 2-10-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, JAPAN
TEL : +81-3-6758-8000

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