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Indonesia Japan Coal Seminar 2020

JOGMEC (Head office: Minato-ku Tokyo, Chairman and CEO- HOSONO Tetsuhiro) held Indonesia Japan Coal Seminar 2020 on January 23, 2020 to be co-hosted by Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Japanese government and JOGMEC have been conducting training courses to improve coal mining and safety technology in Japan and in Indonesia by Japanese experts in order to secure a stable supply of coal resources to Japan. We held Indonesia Japan Coal Seminar 2020 since we believe coal resources have been playing a part of energy portfolio in the world, under the circumstances ESG investment has grown in volume. Other purposes of this seminar are to have relevant parties in Japan and in Indonesia to be widely known coal policy of Indonesia and Japan and JOGMEC activities such as coal exploration survey and training courses, and to hope for the further development of both countries in the future considering environmental impact. More than 200 representatives attended the seminar and had active discussion each other.
Date January 23, 2020


January 23, 2020


The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan Hotel(Jakarta, Indonesia)


Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources


Embassy of Japan in Indonesia
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Bandung Institute of Technology
Earth System Engineering Course, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University

Seminar Program and Presentation Slides

Session Presenter Theme
Keynote Speech 1 Dr. Ir. Muhammad Wafid A.N, M.Sc
Director General of Mineral and Coal,
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)Indonesia’s Coal Policy(PDF:3.6MB)
Keynote Speech 2 Mr. TAKEHIRO Katsushi
Director of Coal Division,
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy,
Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)Japan’s Coal Policy(PDF:2.5MB)
Japan’s Activity 1 Mr. IKEDA Hajime
Executive Vice President,
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)Overview and Activities of JOGMEC(PDF:5.1MB)
Japan’s Activity 2 Dr. MATSUI Kikuo
Emeritus Professor,
Kyushu University
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)The Enhancement of Human Resource in Indonesia’s Earth Resource Development(PDF:1.9MB)
Japan’s Activity 3 Mr. SATO Noboru
General Manager of Overseas Dispatch Training,
Mitsui Matsushima Resources Co., Ltd
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)Support for Dispatching of Coal and Safety Experts to Indonesia(PDF:2.6MB)
Indonesia’s Activity 1 Dr. Ir. IGN Wiratmaja Puja
Human Development in Energy and Mineral Resources Sector
Indonesia’s Activity 2 Dr. Eng. Ganda Marihot Simangunsong
Head of Department & Teaching Staff,
Bandung Institute of Technology
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)Current Status of Mining Schools in Indonesia(PDF:2.1MB)
Indonesia’s Activity 3 Dr. mont. Imelda Eva Roturena Hutabarat, ST.,MT
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)Return of Work Activities, Mine Inspector Management Course(PDF:2.7MB)
Indonesia’s Activity 4 Mr. Wira Kismantoro
UG Mine Manager,
PT. Gerbang Daya Mandiri
PDFのアイコン(新規ウィンドウで表示します)Underground Coal Mining Training in PT. Gerbang Daya Mandiri(PDF:3.1MB)

The seminar

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
(JCN 4010405009573)

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TEL : +81-3-6758-8000

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