Currently, geothermal power generation is not spreading fast enough because it takes a long development lead time and involves resource risk. JOGMEC is assisting Japanese companies with surveys on geothermal resources inside Japan by subsidizing part of the survey cost to determine the influence on the surrounding environment, to promote eco-friendly use of geothermal resources.
Survey on the potential of geothermal resources
JOGMEC conducts extensive, high-precision surveys using its unique airborne geophysical technology by a helicopter. JOGMEC implemented the time-domain electromagnetic exploration that can explore deeper than traditional airborne electromagnetic surveys, for the first time in Japan, to narrow down prospective areas for efficient geothermal resource development.
Government subsidy project
JOGMEC provides Japanese companies which conduct surveys for the exploration of geothermal resources with funds in the form of subsidy. Expenses for the high-risk initial surveys, such as surface survey, geophysical exploration, and well drilling survey in potential areas for geothermal resources are subsidized. JOGMEC also subsidizes environmental assessments and monitoring surveys to develop geothermal resources in harmony with the natural environment and hot springs.