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Technology development

Because geothermal resource reservoirs are located deep underground, it is difficult to assess the situation of the reservoirs. JOGMEC helps Japanese companies to develop geothermal resources by reducing the risk through technology development.

Technology for exploration of geothermal reservoirs

It is difficult to estimate the location of a geothermal reservoir where hot water or steam is trapped in fractures and pores under a layer of impermeable rock and exploratory wells drilled sometimes fail to encounter the reservoir. To improve the success ratio of exploratory wells, JOGMEC is developing several methods to locate and visualize the position of geothermal reservoirs in the ground more accurately applying technologies used in the oil and gas or metal mining sectors.

Objective: Visualize spatial position of geothermal reservoir (fracture)

Technology to evaluate and manage geothermal reservoirs

By numerical simulations and demonstrative experiment, JOGMEC is developing a method to manage the water supply to heat source and to secure a stable power generation.

Technology to evaluate and manage geothermal reservoirs

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
(JCN 4010405009573)

Toranomon Twin Building 2-10-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, JAPAN
TEL : +81-3-6758-8000

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