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Technical support to the governments of metal resource-producing countries

Technical support to the governments of metal resource-producing countries

Utilizing its experience and technical know-how on mine pollution control developed over the years, JOGMEC has been providing information and technical support to metal resource-producing countries in recent years through overseas seminars on mine pollution control, dispatching of advisors, etc., thereby contributing to environment-friendly and sustainable development of mining and strengthening relationships with resource-producing countries.

Strengtheing relationships with metal resource-producing countries

JOGMEC signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Peru in December 2008 concerning the dispatching of an expert on preventive policy for mine pollution. In 2013, JOGMEC newly signed MOUs in the field of mine pollution control with countries such as Cambodia and Laos. Thus, JOGMECʼs activities to support mine pollution control are steadily spreading around the world.

Signing of MOU(Peru)

Dispatching advisors on mine pollution policies to Peru

At the request of the Peruvian government, which highly evaluates JOGMECʼs efforts in mine pollution control projects, JOGMEC signed an MOU on the dispatch of advisors on mine environment policies in 2008 and has been dispatching experts on mine environment to Peru since 2009.
In addition, JOGMEC has been providing technical support for the engineers of the Ministry of Energy and Mines since 2012, by On-the-Job Training on mine pollution prevention works at abandoned mine sites.
  • On-The-Job-Trainings in Peru

  • On-The-Job-Trainings in Peru

Strengthening relationships with Republic of the Philippines

JOGMEC signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Philippines in August 2019 concerning the training on mine pollution prevention technology in Japan. JOGMECʼs activities to support mine pollution control are steadily spreading around the world.

Signing of MOU(the Philippines)

Training on mine pollution prevention technology

At the request of the Philippines government, which highly evaluates JOGMECʼs efforts in mine pollution control projects, JOGMEC received 8 trainees from the MGB(Mines and Geosciences Bureau) in Japan and provided information that will contribute to the solution of mine pollution problems at the abandoned mines and small-scale mining sites in the Philippines.

Trainings in Japan

Neutralization Treatment Facility Survey in Japan

Holding seminars and other programs

To strengthen the cooperative relationships with metal resource-producing countries, JOGMEC have provided various technical support such as holding seminars on mine pollution control and hosting observation teams and trainees in Japan.

Seminars held on mine pollution control

Seminars held on mine pollution controlPDF

Seminar on mine pollution control in Myanmar

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
(JCN 4010405009573)

Toranomon Twin Building 2-10-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, JAPAN
TEL : +81-3-6758-8000

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