HOME >  News Releases >  2018 >  Change of Auditor

June 29, 2018

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is pleased to announce the change of Auditor 29th June, 2018 as follows;

1. New Appointments of Auditor from 29th June, 2018

Name New Position
Mr. Mikio Mine Auditor, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)

2. Resignations of Auditor on 28th June, 2018

Name New Position
Mr. Hirotaka Miyake Auditor, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)

3. New Auditor’s Professional Background

Mr. Mikio Mine
June, 2018 Auditor, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, JOGMEC
April, 2015 Deputy Director General, General Coordination Department and Director, Internal Audit Office
July, 2011 Deputy Director General, Financial Management & Accounting Department
June, 2006 Director of Accounting Division, Financial Management & Accounting Department
January, 1976 Joined Metal Mining Agency of Japan (JOGMEC integrated Japan National Oil Corporation and Metal Mining Agency of Japan in February, 2004.)

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