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Change of President

April 2, 2018

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)is pleased to announce that Mr. Tetsuhiro Hosono assumed the position of President effective 1st April, 2018.
Mr. Hosono is as a successor to Mr. Keisuke Kuroki resigned the position of President on 31st March, 2018. Mr. Hosono’s brief histories are described below.
Name Mr. Tetsuhiro Hosono
Title President
Professional Background: 
April, 2018 President, JOGMEC
June, 2016 Outside Auditor, Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd.
June, 2016 President, JECC Corporation
June, 2015 Executive Director, The Middle East Institute of Japan
May, 2012 Adviser, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (formaly Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. )
August, 2010 Director-General, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
July, 2009 Commissioner, Japan Patent Office
July, 2006 Director-General, Manufacturing Industries Bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (formerly Ministry of International Trade and Industry)
April, 1976 Joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry

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