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Tubular Selection Software (J-Tube Mate) Available Online
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Japanese Ver.

Tubular Selection Software (J-Tube Mate) ended on March 30, 2020.

April 13, 2018

Revised on March 31, 2020

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is pleased to announce that the software to conceptually select the tubular material for production wells in corrosive condition, so called “J-Tube Mate”, is now on-line avaiable.
This on-line software, “J-Tube Mate”, is able to suggest a candidate material for the production tubular based on the estimation of corrosion rate and the possiblity of the cracking by sulfide stress corrosion.
J-Tube Mate was developed as a software with the graphical user interface in the collaboration with Nippon Steel Corp (now Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp) and Japan National Oil Corp (now JOGMEC), and was enhanced its capability. JOGMEC has supported oil companies with J-Tube Mate.
JOGMEC has decided to disclose J-Tube Mate via the internet service in order to be freely utilised by many engineers for design support, and for education of junior engineers in the industry.


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