HOME >  News Releases >  2024 >  JOGMEC invited Mr. Shivolo, Deputy Executive Director of Ministry of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Namibia, and held the Mining Investment Seminar - Fostering enthusiasm for future mining investment by providing information related to the mining sector and exchanging opinion -

JOGMEC invited Mr. Shivolo, Deputy Executive Director of Ministry of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Namibia, and held the Mining Investment Seminar
- Fostering enthusiasm for future mining investment by providing information related to the mining sector and exchanging opinion -

December 24, 2024

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)invited Mr. Erasmus Shivolo, Deputy Executive Director of Ministry of Mines and Energy and four other delegates from the Republic of Namibia to Japan hold the Mining Investment Seminar on December 2,2024 in Tokyo. In this seminar, the delegations provided information on the mining policies and investment environment in Namibia, and actively exchanged their opinions.
JOGMEC and Ministry of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Namibia held the Mining Investment Seminar, based on the joint statement on cooperation in the mining sector in August 2023.

Photo Session

Five delegates from Namibia headed by Mr. Erasmus Shivolo, Deputy Executive Director of Ministry of Mines and Energy attended the seminar with 50 participants from Japan, including non-ferrous metals companies, trading companies, manufacturing companies, financial institutions, and government agencies. Mr. DAITO Michio, President of JOGMEC, gave his opening remarks and described JOGMEC's initiatives in Namibia and future cooperation. Mr. YAMAGUCHI Yuzo, Director of Mineral Resources Division of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and H.E. Mr. Morven M. Luswenyo, Ambassador of Namibia to Japan also delivered welcome messages.

The speakers from Namibia presented, in the seminar session, the policy and regulatory framework, the current status of exploration and mining projects, opportunities for cooperation with a state-owned mining company, and support for foreign direct investment. In closing, Dr. KUBOTA Hiroshi, Executive Vice President of Metals Unit of JOGMEC, gave closing remarks and expressed expectations for the cooperation in the state's mining sector by Japan and Japanese companies.

JOGMEC will continue to collaborate with METI on resource diplomacy, and contribute to further strengthening relations with Namibia and other African countries, in order to diversify the supply sources and contribute to the stable supply of critical minerals to Japan.
  • Mr. DAITO Michio,
    President of JOGMEC

  • Mr. YAMAGUCHI Yuzo,
    Director of Mineral Resources Division, METI

  • Mr. Erasmus Shivolo,
    Deputy Executive Director, Ministry of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Namibia

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