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JOGMEC conducts At-Sea Training Programme in 2018 on exploration for Cobalt-rich Crusts survey for ISA trainees

July 26, 2018

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) has completed the At-Sea Training Programme 2018 on marine mineral resources survey. Four trainees from Argentina, Jamaica, Ghana and Myanmar were selected by the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and invited to participate in the programme for 47 days from May 7 to June 22, 2018. Through this programme, JOGMEC not only strengthens the relationship with ISA but also promotes the future development of marine mineral resources.
The training programme was conducted in accordance with the exploration contract for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts signed between JOGMEC and ISA on January 27, 2014. The objective of the programme is the technology transfer of the exploration for marine mineral resources to developing countries.

For over 30 days, trainees had at-sea training on board the JOGMEC's research vessel "Hakurei" . They received lectures on marine and land mineral resources, observed the operations of survey instruments and learned a process of core sampling. Following the at-sea training, they had on-land training for two weeks. During on-land training, they visited the Center for Advanced Marine Core Research (Kochi Univ), the Torigatayama Quarry Complex, the headquarter of Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Metals technology Center (JOGMEC), Kuji Oil Stockpiling Site (JOGMEC) and Hachinohe Zink-Lead smelter (Hachinohe Smelting Co. Ltd.) to learn, familiarize and further understand the Japanese marine scientific research, mining operation and activities on metals and energy resources supply.

The debriefing session was held on June 21. In this session, the trainees had presentations of their training results and were awarded the course completion certificates. To wrap up the training programme, on behalf of the trainees, Dr. Soe Moe Aung of Myanmar made a remark of their appreciation for the training opportunities and anticipation of utilizing the skills and knowledge learned through the programme.

JOGMEC will continuously seek to ensure stable supply of mineral resources for Japanese industries by securing interest of marine mineral resources which are expected as future supply.
  • Sample processing on R/V Hakurei

  • Visiting Torigatayama Quarry Complex

  • Visiting JAMSTEC Headquarters

  • Certificate ceremony

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