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JOGMEC held “International Seminar on Impurities in Copper Raw Materials”

November 7, 2018

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) held “International Seminar on Impurities in Copper Raw Materials” at the Tokai University Club in the Kasumigaseki Building on October 17, 2018. At the seminar, experts and those in the industry from copper producing countries and copper consuming countries such as Japan gathered and exchanged information on laws and regulations on impurities in copper raw materials and removal technologies.
Increases of impurities in the concentration from copper mines have become a challenge for the whole industry in recent years. JOGMEC held the international seminar to gather those addressing this issue, aiming to further understand the global trends related to processing impurities such as arsenic and to provide opportunities for Japanese companies to develop new technologies.

Please refer to the JOGMEC website cited below for the program. Presentation materials from this seminar will be posted on the JOGMEC website soon.

Information on the International Seminar on Impurities in Copper Raw Materials (JOGMEC website)

Overview of the International Seminar on Impurities in Copper Raw Materials

Date and Time October 17, 2018 (Wed), 9:00 a.m. – 6:05 p.m.
Venue The Tokai University Club (Kasumigaseki Building 35th floor)
Co-organizers The Third Japan-Chile Academic Forum; Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo (Japan-Latin America Academic Conference 2018)
Supporters Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Mining Industry Association
Co-sponsor Endowed Research Unit for Non-ferrous Metals Resource Recovery Engineering, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
Lecturers/Speakers 22 people from domestic and overseas government institutions, universities, research institutions and companies
Participants About 210 people
In their opening remarks, Mr. Tetsuhiro Hosono, JOGMEC Chairman & CEO, Mr. Michio Daito, Director of the Mineral and Natural Resources Division for the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Mr. Pablo Terrazas Lagos, Undersecretary for the Ministry of Mining, Chile, noted that copper consumption in the world is expected to continue increasing in the future but that fine copper ore with low impurities would decrease. They called for a shared understanding of the situation and spoke about the need for relevant countries to cooperate and implement countermeasures to address impurities in copper raw materials.

In the morning, Professor Atsushi Shibayama from Akita University served as the chairperson for two sessions: "Session 1: Regulations and Social Receptivity of Impurities in Copper Raw Materials" and "Session 2: Trends and Countermeasures for Impurities in Copper Raw Materials in Mines". In Session 1, the International Copper Study Group (ICSG), the Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) and others presented their research on the latest trends and future prospects of laws and regulations in copper-producing countries such as Chile and on the "social receptivity" of impurities in mining countries. In Session 2, there were presentations from the Chilean state owned copper company; Codelco and Ecometales Ltd. as well as others about the increase of impurities in copper mines in Chile and about trends of the mining industry to respond to the situation.

In the afternoon, appointed professor Takashi Nakamura from the University of Tokyo served as the chairperson for three sessions: "Session 3: Current State of Treatment for Impurities in Copper Raw Materials in the Smelting Industry", "Session 4: Progress in Developing Technology to Reduce Impurities in Copper Raw Materials" and "Session 5: Research on the Final Disposal and Effective Use of Arsenic". In Session 3, Aurubis AG from Germany, Dongying Fangyuan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. from China and others spoke about measures taken by domestic and overseas smelters to deal with impurities such as arsenic and their treatment process. In Session 4, JOGMEC, the University of Queensland and others presented the current state of technological development to separate and remove impurities such as arsenic in copper concentrates. In Session 5, British Columbia University, McGill University and others spoke on the technology for stabilizing arsenic substances generated from mines and smelters and the effective utilization of such substances.

The presenters received many questions and comments from participants, enabling all attendees to deepen their understanding of the issues. At the end of the seminar, Mr. Mitsuya Hirokawa, Executive Vice President of JOGMEC's Metals Strategy & Exploration Unit, noted that the continuous exchange of information among stakeholders was important.

JOGMEC will continue to contribute to the stable supply of fine mineral resources by supporting technological development and providing opportunities to exchange information such as organizing seminars with the aim of resolving challenges facing the industry.


  • Opening remarks by Mr. Tetsuhiro Hosono, Chairman & CEO, JOGMEC

  • Opening remarks by Mr. Michio Daito, Director, Mineral and Natural Resources Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan

  • Opening remarks by Mr. Pablo Terrazas Lagos, Undersecretary, Ministry of Mining, Chile

  • Chairman of Session1, 2 by Prof. Atsushi Shibayama, Akita University

  • Lecture by Mr. Carlos R. Risopatron, Director of Economics and Envionment, International Copper Study Group (ICSG)

  • Lecture by Mr. Rodrigo Urquiza, Head of International and Regulatory Affairs Unit, Executive Vice Presidency, Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco)

  • Lecture by Ms. Catalina Baez, Executive Vice-president of Non Refined Copper Sales and Sulfuric Acid, Codelco

  • Lecture by Mr. Ivan Valenzuela, General Manager, Ecometales Limited

  • Chairman of Session3, 4, 5 by Prof. Takashi Nakamura, the University of Tokyo

  • Lecture by Dr. Gerardo R. F. Alvear Flores, Executive Director, Research, Development & Innovation, Aurubis AG

  • Lecture by Mr. Huang Zhiwei, Vice Technology & Business Manager, Dongying Fangyuan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.

  • Lecture by Prof. Neville Plint, the University of Queensland

  • Lecture by Prof. George P. Demopoulos, McGill University

  • Lecture by Prof. David Dreisinger, the University of British Columbia

Closing remarks by Mr. Mitsuya Hirokawa, Executive Vice President, JOGMEC

Seminar venue

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