HOME >  News Releases >  2018 >  Turkey Mining Investment Seminar~Turkish base metal and rare metal investment opportunities~

Turkey Mining Investment Seminar
~Turkish base metal and rare metal investment opportunities~

February 22, 2019

Revised on March 4, 2019

Various mineral resources such as base metals, antimony, boron and manganese have been explored and developed in the Republic of Turkey.

The Turkish government prioritizes mining investment in mineral exploration etc., promotes foreign investment by providing incentives such as exemption of value added tax, exemption from tariffs, corporate tax reduction, interest subsidies and provision of land there.

At the opportunity of H.E. Mr. Mithat Cansiz, Deputy Minister for Energy and Natural Resources(MENR)comes to Japan, the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Japan and the Japan Oil and Gas-Metals and Mineral Resources Organization(JOGMEC)jointly host a mining investment seminar on Wednesday, March 13 2019.

Those who wish to attend should register for participation by Monday, March 11 2019. We expect for everyone's participation.

In addition, due to the convenience of the venue, if the number of registered persons reaches the capacity, we may close the application for participation before the application deadline.


March 13(Wed), 2019 14:00 ~ 16:30


JOGMEC Head Office, Toranomon Twin Building B1F Conference Room

Access Map


As of March 13
Time Content
13:30 Registration
14:00 - 14:10 Opening Remarks
  • JOGMEC Mr. Mitsuya Hirokawa, Executive Vice President
  • METI/ANRE Representative,
  • Ambassador of Turkey, His Excellency Dr. Hasan Murat Mercan
14:10 - 15:00 An Overview of Turkey’s mining policy
  1. Turkish Mining Policy Framework on Base Metals and REE,(20 min)
    - H.E. Mr. Mithat Cansiz,Deputy Minister for Energy and Natural Resources(MENR)
  2. Briefing on ETI Maden Corp.(10 min)
    - Mr. Lutfi Tozar, Chief Expert, ETI Mine Corp.
  3. Turkey’s Base Metals(10 min)
    - Mr. Cahit Donmez, Head of Mineral Research and Exploration Department, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), MENR
  4. Briefing on Turkey’s REE(10 min)
    - Mr. Hasan Hüseyin Erdoğan, Director General of the Institute of Rare Earth Elements
15:00 - 15:25 Q&A
15:25 - 15:40 Coffee Break
15:40 - 16:05 Japanese Perspective on Investment Climate in Turkey
 - Mr. Yasuyuki Murahashi, Former Director of JETRO Office in Istanbul
16:05 - 16:20 Natural Resources Development Finance of JBIC
 - Ms. Kazuko Sakuma, Director General of Energy and Natural Resources Finance Group, JBIC
16:20 - 16:30 Closing Remarks
 - Executive Vice President, Mr. Mitsuya Hirokawa
Note:Free of Charge
Simultaneous interpretation(English → Japanese, Japanese → English)
This program is tentative.


Registration form外部リンク
Registration will close on March 11th(Mon), 2019 at 17:00[Revised on March 4, 2019]


Organizer:Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation(JOGMEC)
Co-organizer:Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Japan

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