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Revision of the “JOGMEC-TRC’s Technical Business Strategy”

July 26, 2023

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) has revised the “JOGMEC-TRC’s Technical Business Strategy” on July 26, 2023. Based on this new technical business strategy, we will continue to achieve a stable energy supply and carbon neutrality.
JOGMEC-TRC (Note 1) formulated the “Technical Business Strategy for a Low-Carbon Society” in July 2020 within JOGMEC to strengthen support for oil and gas development with low environmental impact using CCS technology. We have been fulfilling our mission to provide stable energy supply, while actively responding to changes in the environment surrounding oil and natural gas development.

JOGMEC has revised the technical business strategy in light of changes in the surrounding environment, including “social demands to realize carbon neutrality by 2050” and “recent rapid instability of energy supply,” as well as “The 6th Strategic Energy Plan (Note 2)” and “the new functions added to JOGMEC due to the revised JOGMEC Act.”

In this revision, we have defined new “three pillars and core technologies” on the JOGMEC-TRC's technological development and technical support to contribute a stable energy supply and carbon neutrality.
  • Pillar 1: Maintain and expand stable energy supply (Oil and gas business area)
  • Pillar 2: Contribute to the implementation of CCS projects by utilizing the existing knowledge (CCS business area)
  • Pillar 3: Challenge new businesses toward a carbon neutral society (hydrogen and ammonia business area)
  • Core Technologies: Maintain and Strengthen human resources/technical capabilities

JOGMEC-TRC’s New Technical Business Strategy for a Carbon Neutral Society

The following points have been significantly modified regarding this new technical business strategy.
  • Because new business fields have been added to JOGMEC by the revised JOGMEC Act (Storage into the saline aquifer of carbon dioxide (CO2) which is emitted from industrial processes and production business of hydrogen and ammonia), it is necessary to acquire knowledge on them, and we will address them as “Pillar 2” and “Pillar 3”.
  • We will continue to work on a maintenance and enhancement of “stable energy supply” and “core technologies (especially human resources)” even in a turbulent surrounding environment.
Based on this new technical business strategy, JOGMEC-TRC will continue to achieve a stable energy supply and carbon neutrality.

(Note 1) TRC: Abbreviation for “Technology & Research Center,” JOGMEC’s technology center.
(Note 2) Cabinet Decision on the Sixth Strategic Energy Plan (Website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan)

JOGMEC-TRC’s New Technical Business Strategy for a Carbon Neutral Society


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