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JOGMEC's CCS Business Initiatives toward 2050 Carbon Neutrality: New Operations in Response to Climate Change

January 20, 2021

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) summarized carbon dioxide capture and storage business to date and future policies toward the achievement of 2050 carbon neutrality.
JOGMEC established the Low-Carbon Society’s technical business strategy on July 1, 2020, owing to the increasing importance of addressing climate change while pursuing natural resource development. We planned to strengthen the carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) business drastically and integrate it with natural resource development. To achieve its mission, JOGMEC has launched the CCS Group on the same day.

JOGMEC aligns its mission with the Japanese government’s carbon neutrality objective of achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The corporation contributes to this climate change goal by actively developing new activities, hence the CCS business.

JOGMEC possesses the subsurface evaluation technology accumulated over the past 50 years and technological engineering facility acquired through studies and demonstration tests. We have been seeking to apply these technologies to CCS, support Japanese companies, and expand operations. About half a year has passed since launching the CCS Group; therefore, we have summarized the results of our activities to date and our future direction.

From now on, we will enhance and develop the initiatives discussed in this policy outline and announce our activities’ results. To contribute to the stable supply of natural resources and energy and the achievement of a sustainable society, JOGMEC will cooperate with other organizations as we promote CCS business and solidify our initiatives.


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