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Offshore development technology

Currently, about 30% of the world's oil and natural gas are produced from offshore oil and gas fields; 13% and 30% (respectively) of the world’s undiscovered resources are located in the Arctic Ocean.
To contribute to a stable energy supply to Japan, Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) is promoting research and development for elemental technologies for deepwater surveys, e.g., floating production systems, mooring lines, flexible risers, umbilical cables, and subsea completions. Notably JOGMEC has issued “The Offshore Engineering Handbook,” which compiles the basic and the latest information of the offshore development technology and revises it regularly. Furthermore, in recent years we have been promoting technical support for Japanese companies through joint studies on produced-water treatment technology, optimal development conceptual studies in ice-covered sea areas, and asset integrity management, to contribute to environmental conservation and improvement of asset value (cost reduction, increased production, stable operation, etc.) at offshore oil and gas fields operated by Japanese companies.

Figure Images of development concepts and elemental technologies for offshore oil & natural gas production systems

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
(JCN 4010405009573)

Toranomon Twin Building 2-10-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, JAPAN
TEL : +81-3-6758-8000

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