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Financial support for Japanese companies

 JOGMEC provides funds required for mineral resources exploration projects in the form of equity support or loan, to assist Japanese companies, leading to a faster transition to the mine development stages. JOGMEC also provides debt guarantees for development funds loaned by private financial institutions.
Furthermore, since 2022, equity investment and debt guarantee cover the domestic ore processing and smelting business.
The funds supported by JOGMEC can be provided for the projects through the participation of Japanese companies.

Equity capital, loan and investment system for acquisition of assets

 To enhance and expedite high-risk mineral exploration and mining projects, JOGMEC provides the necessary funds in the form of equity support or loan. In 2010, a scheme of equity participation was also started to assist Japanese companies for the acquisition of mining interests in the development and production stages.

Investment in world-class minor metal producers

 JOGMEC invested in world-class niobium (Brazil) and ferrochrome (South Africa) producers with some Japanese companies, for the purpose of a stable supply of these metals to the Japanese manufacturers.

Debt guarantee

 Projects in the development stage require a massive amount of investment, ranging from tens of millions to more than one billion dollars. JOGMEC provides debt guarantees for development funds loaned by private financial institutions to Japanese companies, in order to ensure a smooth procurement of these development funds and to reduce the business risks and country risks associated with each project.

Recent examples of our support

Supporting Japanʼs first lithium development project

 In 2012, JOGMEC provided a liability guarantee for a part of the development funds for the Salar de Olaroz (Olaroz Salt Lake) lithium development project, Argentina, in which a Japanese trading company participated.

Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
(JCN 4010405009573)

Toranomon Twin Building 2-10-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, JAPAN
TEL : +81-3-6758-8000

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